Storage Policies


1. Term: The lease term is on a month-to-month basis.

2. Vacating: The Storage Unit must be left in good condition, broom swept clean and completely
emptied. A walk through must be scheduled with the Property Manager once unit is completely

3. Rent: Rent is due and payable in advance on the first day of each month. We do not send
out bills for monthly rental charges. All late rent is subject to a $20.00 late fee plus 18%
interest per annum. Rent that is not received on or before the fifth (5th) day of the month is
considered late. Under no circumstances will late fees be waived.

4. Use and Condition of Leased Premises: The Storage Unit shall be used solely and
exclusively for the storage of personal property. No live animals or plants or any hazardous,
toxic, flammable, or explosive property is permitted in the Storage Unit. Illegal or dangerous
activities in the Storage Unit is not permitted. Use of electricity to run or operate any appliances,
equipment, machinery, or the like in the Storage Unit is not allowed. Structural alterations or
improvements to the Storage Unit or Facility are not allowed.

5. Dumpster: There is an on-site dumpster available for disposing of small, lightweight objects.
Disposing of large objects or materials such as carpet, furniture, construction items, etc. is not
permitted. Occupant is responsible for transporting and disposing of large objects offsite.
Violators will be fined.

6. Locks: Altering or installing any permanent locks or bolts on any door is not allowed. All keys
to doors that may have been furnished must be returned upon vacancy. Doors must be locked
upon vacancy.

7. Owner Access: Owner has a right to enter the Storage Unit for inspection, repairs, or
suspected abandonment. Owner has the right to make all alterations and repairs and perform any
maintenance in the Storage Unit that in Owner’s sole discretion is necessary.

8. Termination: Owner or Occupant must give written notice to vacate at least fifteen (15)
calendar days prior to the end of any month. No rent will be prorated or refunded for the month in
which the Immediate Termination occurs.

9. Owner Not Liable for Personal Injury or Property Damage: Owner shall not be liable for
any loss or damage to Occupant’s personal property or for personal injury of any nature arising
from any cause.

10. No Subletting or Assignment: Subleasing the Storage Unit or assigning to any other person
is not allowed.

11. Notices: Notices and communications must be in writing and mailed, hand-delivered, or
emailed to the Graystone office addresses. Changes in Occupant’s contact information must be
immediately provided to Owner and will not be effective until received. There is a $10 fee for
returned mail.

12. Security Deposit: A security deposit is required upon lease execution. 

Additional Fees:

Late Fee (after 5th day of the month) $20.00 (plus 18% per annum)
Fee to Cut Lock  $40.00
Fee to Over Lock $40.00
Dishonored Check Fee $20.00
Notice Charge $10.00
Dumpster Violation Fee $150.00 Minimum

Graystone Storage, LLC
1400 S Foothill Drive, Ste 34
Salt Lake City, Utah 84108
Phone: 801-487-3250

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